Breast Augmentation Surgery First Consultation

Breast Enhancement Surgery

Dr. Marucci and a patient during a breast enhancement consultationThere are some basic steps in the process of undergoing breast enhancement at our Sydney-area plastic surgery practice. The first step is to meet your surgeon, A/Prof Damian Marucci, who will take a history from you about your general health and more specifically about issues related to breast implant surgery. Then, a physical examination will determine what size breast implant is the right one for you. After a full discussion of all the potential risks, costs and complications, you will be able to make an informed decision about what would be involved with proceeding with surgery.

The Initial Breast Enhancement Consultation

There are some key parts of your history which are important for Dr Marucci to know prior to your breast enhancement surgery.

  • What are your treatment goals?

Every patient has a different idea about what constitutes an ideal breast shape and size. Some want a subtle augmentation which no one will notice. Other patients want a fuller “Baywatch” look. Every patient wants to know what cup size they will end up – but this is often impossible to accurately predict. Different bra manufacturers size their bras differently – what would be a C cup in one brand is a B cup with another brand. Dr Marucci will use “sizers” to show you what a particular volume would look like when placed in your bra. Bear in mind, that some patients have unrealistic goals in terms of size and shape. Dr Marucci is a professional and a Specialist Plastic Surgeon who places your long terms health interests above everything else. He will be able to advise you as to whether your goals are safely achievable.

  • Pregnancy and family planning

Breast implants do not affect your ability to breast feed, but pregnancy and breast feeding after breast augmentation surgery can change the shape of your breasts. Your implants won’t change in size or shape – but the overlying breast tissue might. For those women who have finished having a family, Dr Marucci advises his patients to wait 3 to 6 months before undergoing breast augmentation or breast implant surgery.

(It is worth noting that once mothers have finished having children, they can restore their pre-pregnancy figures through a comprehensive body contouring treatment plan called a “mummy makeover”.)

  • Weight History

It is important that you have reached a stable weight before undergoing breast augmentation surgery. The shape and size of your breasts changes greatly with weight loss and weight gain.

  • Breast cancer and Breast implant surgery

There is no link between breast implants and breast cancer. Having breast implants has not been shown to interfere with breast cancer detection and you will still be able to have mammograms after your breast augmentation surgery. (If mammograms are uncomfortable, MRI scans can be performed). Dr Marucci will take a full breast cancer history from you, noting any increased risks or family history. A breast examination looking for any suspicious lumps is part of the physical examination. If you are over 40 and/or have a strong family history of breast cancer, Dr Marucci may recommend a mammogram or ultrasound prior to breast enhancement surgery.

  • General Medical History

Dr Marucci will make sure that you are fit and well and ready for a general anaesthetic, Please inform Dr Marucci if you have any conditions which may affect wound healing such as diabetes, steroid use or immunosuppression. Although smoking is not a strict contraindication to surgery, smoking has been shown to increase the risk of almost ALL complications (wound healing problems, poor scar formation, bleeding and infection). Besides all that, smoking is expensive – please try to give it up. Your local doctor or pharmacist may assist you in giving up or cutting down on cigarettes.

For more information on scheduling a breast enhancement consultation please contact our Sydney-area plastic surgery practice, with locations in Kogarah and Miranda, via email or give us a call at 61 2 9588 6374.