Breast Lift in Sydney

Many women find that with age or after having a family, their breasts look flat or shapeless and sag off the chest. Sydney breast lift surgeon Damian Marucci can reposition the breast tissue higher on the chest, where it belongs, and give the breasts a more youthful shape without significantly changing their volume.

What Breast Lift Can Accomplish

It is very common for breasts to sag or droop from nursing multiple children or the natural effects of the ageing process. Unfortunately, there are no effective non-surgical solutions to restore the breasts to their once-youthful position. The good news is that breast lift surgery is safe and effective. Breast lift surgery is usually performed as day surgery and you should be back doing everything you want to do after a few weeks.

The surgery is similar to a breast reduction except, instead of removing extra breast tissue, the breast tissue is repositioned back up onto the chest, in its proper place.

Ideally, breast lift surgery should be performed after you have finished having a family, as pregnancy and breastfeeding can compromise the results. Dr. Marucci’s Sydney breast lift patients generally do not experience any problems or interference with mammograms after surgery.

Women that desire bigger or smaller breasts can opt for a combination procedure where appropriate. Dr. Marucci can combine breast lift-breast reduction for patients desiring lighter and perkier breasts; or, he can combine breast lift with breast augmentation (an “augmentation mastopexy”) for patients desiring larger, perkier breasts.

Do I Need Implants with Breast Lift?

Breast lift can be performed with or without implants — keep in mind the risk of complications is much lower without implants.

If you are happy with the volume of your breasts but not the shape, you need a breast lift to re-arrange the tissue you have and lift it back up onto the chest where it belongs. If you are unhappy with the shape AND the volume of your breasts, then the breast tissue needs to be moved back up onto the chest and an implant placed under the native breast tissue to increase breast volume.

Scarring after Breast Lift

All surgery involves scars of some kind. The scars involved with a breast lift extend around the nipple and vertically from the breast crease to the lower edge of the areola. Some patients also have a scar in the fold underneath the breast. Many of Dr. Marucci’s patients that have had breast lift in Sydney note that the scars are highly preferable to flat, saggy breasts.

Although all surgical scars are permanent, these scars all tend to heal particularly well. They are also unnoticeable under a bra or bathing suit top. The incision lines can be red, raised and lumpy at first, but then tend to settle down into fine white lines. Scar massage, silicone gel or sheets and sometimes laser treatment can all help with the final scar result.

Call or Email Our Sydney Breast Lift Surgeon

To learn more about breast lift surgery, Sydney plastic surgeon Damian Marucci welcomes you to call or email one of our offices and schedule a consultation. He is proud to serve Kogarah, Miranda and all surrounding areas.