Breast Reduction Information

Breast Reduction Information

You will soon be having a breast reduction by A/Prof Damian Marucci

Before the Surgery

  • If you were asked to have a mammogram, make sure it is done at least 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Buy two of the bras shown to you by A/Prof Marucci that have no underwire and do up in the front. Be holding one of the bras in your hand as you go in for the operation. Don’t pack it in your bag
  • You will be told a few days before the surgery when to be at the hospital and when to stop eating and drinking

The Surgery Itself

  • On the day of the surgery you will be checked into the hospital. You will meet the anaesthetist
  • A/Prof Marucci will draw the surgical plan on you before you go into the operating theatre. Your bra will be collected at this point and you will go into the operating theatre for the procedure
  • The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia – you will be completely asleep. In addition to that, A/Prof Marucci will put local anaesthetic into the wounds to make everything numb for many hours after the surgery
  • All the removed breast tissue is sent off to the lab to make sure there is no disease. All the wounds are closed with dissolving sutures. Paper tape is placed on the wounds and you are then placed into the bra
  • Drains are generally used. They are hollow tubes that drain fluid into a small cannister
  • After you have fully woken up from the surgery you will then go to the ward

After the surgery

  • Once you have woken up you can get out of bed and walk around. Some patients stay in hospital one night and others go home the same day. If a drain is used, it is normally removed the day after surgery
  • The local anaesthetic will last for many hours. You will be given a script for stronger painkillers to be used when the local anaesthetic wears off
  • You can remove the bra and shower NORMALLY the day after surgery. The paper tape can get wet. Pat it dry after your shower
  • Wear the bra day and night for the first two weeks. Then, for the next two weeks wear the bra when you like. Four weeks after the surgery you can start wearing bras with underwires again as you are comfortable
  • If there is any bleeding from the wound put firm pressure on for at least 10 minutes with clean tissues. This should stop 99% of all bleeding. Look at the clock and make sure it is a full 10 minutes. If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after 20 – 30 minutes of pressure, let the rooms or A/Prof Marucci know
  • If there is spreading redness/ increasing pain/ signs of infection, please let the rooms or A/Prof Marucci know
  • It is common for there to be bruising of the breasts. Initially the skin is purple, then it goes green/yellow
  • It is not uncommon for there to be minor wound healing issues at the T-junction of the scar underneath the breast in the fold. Normally all that is needed is to have some Vaseline and gauze placed on it after a shower
  • Most patients are driving within a week or so of their surgery
  • It is normal to need a “nanna-nap” in the afternoon for a week or so after the surgery and most patients can return to light duties work after two weeks
  • No swimming and no exercise for around 3 weeks after the surgery. Nothing “for” exercise (you can walk – but not for exercise)
  • It takes a few months for everything to settle down after surgery and see the final result. The key thing is: if any problems or any concerns, contact A/Prof Marucci via the rooms

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