A/Prof Damian Marucci cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon

Brow Lift

Understanding A Brow Lift in Sydney With A/Prof Damian Marucci

brow-liftWomen all over the world encounter the signs of aging skin on a regular basis. For some individuals, the effects are minor, resulting in nothing more than a few barely visible wrinkles. However, for some women, the result is much more apparent. These individuals often experience excessively saggy skin and deep wrinkles that often make them appear older than they are. They may even create a sad or angry appearance that doesn’t necessarily reflect the woman’s true self.

For these individuals, A/Prof Damian Marucci may recommend brow lift surgery.

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What causes skin to sag in the forehead area?

During the aging process, skin naturally looses laxity becoming loose and saggy in appearance. Sun damage and a decreased production of collagen can create an angry or sad expression, creating a displeasing appearance that doesn’t reflect the true individual. Muscles also weaken over time, which create a vertical crease between the eyebrows and a series of horizontal lines in the forehead.

A brow lift is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the face and generally reduce or eliminate the appearance of these wrinkles. The procedure provides individuals with a more alert and youthful appearance.

Am I a good candidate for a brow lift?

Individuals that experience an increased amount of wrinkles and loose skin around the forehead and brow area, may be ideal candidates for brow lift surgery. Weakened muscles and skin can cause the tissue to descend, creating an unsightly appearance. This appearance is often made more apparent by a furrowing of the eyebrows and is typically accompanied by deep creases that appear across the forehead. Healthy individuals who do not smoke and exhibit these characteristics are ideal candidates and should contact A/Prof Damian Marucci for a consultation.

What happens during the procedure?

Dr. Marucci has performed many brow lift procedures over the years. It is a common procedure that requires either general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation. Dr. Marucci can perform both endoscopic brow lifts and traditional brow lifts. Endoscopic brow lifts require small incisions made along the hairline. A small endoscope is used with special instruments to adjust and tighten the muscle and tissue below the surface. Traditional brow lifts require an incision from ear to ear along the top of the head, which is hidden inside the hairline. Small sutures will close the incision sites after the desired results are obtained.

What can I expect after brow lift surgery?

After brow lift surgery, some bruising and swelling is expected. Your forehead will be taped and bandaged to reduce and minimize bruising and swelling. If needed, a thin tube may drain excess fluid from the surgical site. Dr. Marucci and his staff will provide you with any necessary care instructions and medication as needed.

The initial healing process takes 10-14 days, during which you should keep your head elevated and avoid rigorous activity. Complete healing may take several weeks, but could last months for some individuals.

If you are interested in a brow lift in Sydney, contact the office of Dr. Marucci at your convenience. We are available to answer questions and to schedule a consultation at 02 9588 6374.

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