Commonly Asked Questions about Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck)

Patients seeking tummy tuck in Sydney, Miranda, Kogarah and all surrounding areas turn to A/Prof Damian Marucci. The plastic surgeon encourages interested candidates to meet with him for a consultation to discuss the procedure and what they can expect.

What does tummy tuck entail?

A tummy tuck procedure is performed under a full general anaesthetic. Dr. Marucci keeps his patients in the hospital for a few days. The tummy tuck he performs is a “lipo-abdominoplasty,” which involves extensive liposuction to the entire abdomen and flanks in addition to the excision of the excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen and muscle tightening.

Patients notice a dramatic improvement in their abdominal contour straight away with this surgery. The liposuction he performs means that the result continues to improve over time for the first six months after surgery as the flank swelling subsides.

How much weight will I lose with a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure, NOT a weight loss procedure. The tissue removed during a tummy tuck via direct excision or with adjuvant liposuction may weigh more than a kilo. However, most patients who weigh themselves within days of the surgery will either see no difference or even a slight increase in weight, due to fluid retention.

Weight loss is something that should have occurred at least six months BEFORE a tummy tuck. The Sydney tummy tuck surgeon then tightens the muscles, removes the excess skin and improves the overall shape of the abdomen.

 What can be done about loose abdominal skin after massive weight loss?

Patients who are left with loose or sagging skin after weight loss can experience significant problems: ​difficulty exercising, trouble finding clothes that fit, rashes underneath the skin folds and disappointment with their appearance, even after successful weight loss. Removing the excess abdominal skin through a tummy tuck addresses all of the above issues, leaving the tummy flatter, firmer and more aesthetically pleasing. The tummy tuck scars, although long, heal well over time.

What is the recovery like after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck recovery usually includes a hospital stay for a few days. Patients have a catheter in their bladder on the first night, but after that they can start to move around. Patients are able to eat and drink starting the night of surgery. Painkillers are given and Dr. Marucci usually provides a few doses of antibiotics. He puts two drains into the wound, which stay in until they are ready to come out (usually within 3 to 5 days of surgery). Many patients go home with a drain and then he arranges for it to come out when it’s ready. Patients are able to shower from the second day after surgery, even with their drains in. Dr. Marucci only uses dissolving sutures in the skin, so no sutures need to be removed after surgery.

An abdominal “binder” is similar to a corset and made of stretchy material with Velcro in the front that goes around the abdomen.  It provides gentle compression on the abdomen to prevent swelling and to support the torso. Patients wear an abdominal binder day and night after surgery for 4 weeks, taking it off to shower. If it gets dirty, it can be removed, washed and placed back on.

In terms of physical activity, Dr. Marucci asks patients to take it easy for a few weeks and try to arrange 2 to 3 weeks off work. Patients are unable to lift anything heavier than 3L of milk for 4 weeks after the surgery. Obviously, no exercise during this time, either. Driving is variable — some patients feel well enough to drive after a week, but for most patients, it’s more like 2 or 3 weeks.

How long does the swelling last after a tummy tuck?

Most of the swelling has resolved by 3 months and all of it within a year.

What are the scars like after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed through incisions created around the belly button and across the lower part of the abdomen. Dr. Marucci’s goal in positioning the tummy tuck incision is to make it as low on the abdomen as possible, so that the resulting scar can be hidden under underwear or a bathing suit.

That said, there is no way to “anchor” the scar in one position, and there is a dynamic interplay between the lower skin being stretched up and the upper abdominal skin being stretched down to meet each other. Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee that you will be able to wear a particular style of bikini without having the scar show, but Dr. Marucci does his best to place the scar as far south as possible. The scar around the belly button itself can’t be hidden but does fade very well over time.

As with surgical incision lines with other procedures, the tummy tuck incision lines can be red, raised and lumpy for many months after the surgery. If the incision lines are under too much tension, stretching and wound healing problems may result. Dr. Marucci’s goal is to place the incision in the natural crease line which everyone has when standing up — it usually runs just above the pubic bone.

There are many things that can be done to improve the appearance of a scar after surgery. Dr. Marucci asks patients to use either paper tape or silicone sheeting over the scar for many months after surgery. Massaging the scar with either Bio Oil or Vitamin E cream is also useful. Avoiding the sun is important — sunburned scars don’t do well!

How long do I wear a binder for after tummy tuck?

Dr. Marucci asks his patients to wear a binder day and night for 4 weeks, taking it off only to shower. It probably helps decrease swelling and prevents seroma. Many patients like wearing the binder as it gives them “support.” Dr. Marucci knows some patients take the binder off as soon as they get out of hospital and only put it on when they come to see him for follow-up — but what can he do?!

How long until I can walk normally after tummy tuck?

Different people recover from tummy tuck surgery differently. There will always be a feeling of “tightness” initially, as the goal of surgery is to remove the vertical excess of skin and fat through a long-ish transverse scar. The relaxation of the skin and soft tissues occurs at a different rate in different people. Most of Dr. Marucci’s patients are walking upright within a week or two.

Obviously, this recovery also depends on how aggressively your surgeon has removed excess tissue and stretched your remaining skin back together. A lot of Sydney tummy tuck surgeons follow the Goldilocks principle: if not enough tissue is removed, you won’t get a good improvement in contour. If too much tissue is removed, you may end up with wound healing problems and a stretched scar. The secret is to take just enough to improve the abdomen’s appearance but not negatively impact wound healing and recovery.

Can you get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

​It is certainly possible to have a safe, successful pregnancy after a tummy tuck procedure. Dr. Marucci does, however, encourage patients to complete their biological family before undergoing a tummy tuck procedure.

Tummy tucks are most commonly performed to correct the negative changes in the abdominal muscles and soft tissues associated with pregnancy. It seems logical, then, to wait until after having a family to have a tummy tuck, when your Sydney tummy tuck surgeon can perform a definitive correction of any issues that have arisen as a result of pregnancy.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation with A/Prof Damian Marucci

If you would like to learn more about the tummy tuck procedure or recovery, Dr. Marucci encourages you to schedule a personal consultation at one of his practices. He serves patients seeking tummy tuck in Sydney, including Kogarah and Miranda.