
Facelift and necklift surgeries are cosmetic procedures designed to change the appearance of the face and neck. These surgeries are typically sought by individuals who are bothered by the signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of muscle tone in the face and neck. Although nothing can be done to “turn back the hands of time”, face lift and neck lift surgery involves tightening of the deep tissues followed by removal of the excess skin. While both face lift and neck lift are distinct procedures, they are often performed together to achieve a harmonious result.

**Facelift Surgery:**

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing visible signs of aging in the face and jawline. As we age, the skin loses elasticity, and facial tissues lose volume, leading to sagging and the formation of wrinkles. A facelift involves tightening and repositioning the skin and underlying tissues to create a smoother and  firmer facial contour. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. Incisions are made around the front of the ear and usually extend onto the back of the ears.

Candidates for facelift surgery are typically individuals who have noticeable sagging in the mid-face, deep creases around the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds), jowls, and a loss of muscle tone in the lower face. It’s important for potential candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery and to be in good overall health.


A necklift, or lower rhytidectomy, specifically targets the neck area to address issues such as sagging jowls, excess fat deposits under the chin, and loose neck skin. This procedure is often combined with a facelift to achieve a more comprehensive rejuvenation of the lower face and neck. The incisions are similar to those of a stand-alone facelift (both in front of and behind the ears), but also extend into the hairline behind the ear. An incision is also usually made underneath the chin, in order to address any neck bands and tighten the muscles at the front of the neck.

Candidates for necklift surgery typically have excess skin and fat in the neck area, or the presence of prominent neck bands. Like facelift candidates, individuals seeking a necklift should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the potential outcomes of the surgery.

**Benefits of Surgery:**

Facelift and necklift surgeries can be effective in reducing sagging facial and neck skin, as well as treating neck bands.

**Potential Risks and Complications:**

While facelift and necklift surgeries are generally safe when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon like A/Prof Marucci, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These may include:

  1. **Bruising and Swelling:** It is common to experience bruising and swelling after surgery. This typically resolves over time, but patients should be prepared for a period of downtime during the initial stages of recovery.
  1. **Infection:** Infections are a potential risk with any surgical procedure. Following post-operative care instructions and maintaining proper hygiene can help minimize this risk.
  1. **Scarring:** While efforts are made to minimize scarring, scarring is an inevitable part of surgery. Appropriately trained plastic surgeons,like A/Prof Marucci, use techniques to make incisions in the folds around the ears and under the chin. Although these scars are permanent, they do tend to fade over time.
  1. **Nerve Damage:** There is a small risk of temporary or, in rare cases, permanent nerve damage, which can lead to altered sensation or muscle weakness in the face and neck.
  1. **AnaesthesiaRisks:** As with any surgery, there are risks associated with anaesthesia. These risks are typically low but should be discussed with the anaesthetist beforehand.

A more detailed list of potential complications of cosmetis surgery can be found here.

Before and After

Here is an example of a before and after photos of one of A/Prof Marucci’s previous patients.

You can find other before and after photos by clicking here.

Finding a Surgeon to Perform a Face lift and Neck Lift

It’s crucial for individuals considering facelift and necklift surgeries to thoroughly discuss their medical history, expectations, and concerns with their surgeon. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon like A/Prof Marucci, who is a member of both the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgerymeans you have the reassurance that your surgeon is well trained and knowledgible. As with any elective cosmetic procedure, potential candidates should weigh the benefits against the risks and make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances.

You can read more about A/Prof Marucci’s face lift and neck lift techniques by downloading this PDF.