A/Prof Damian Marucci cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon

Overcoming Facial Trauma in Sydney

After consulting with a plastic surgeon, some people elect to have procedures done to enhance their facial features. They want fuller lips, higher cheekbones, or smoother skin. For others, they have no choice. They need reconstructive surgery to treat facial trauma in Sydney.

A/Prof Damian Marucci specialises in reconstructive surgery for patients affected by various types of facial trauma. He has utilised that expertise over the years as a volunteer in international locations where he treated victims injured by acts of war or other violence.

What exactly is facial trauma?

By definition, “trauma” is any serious injury caused by an accident or sudden impact. More specifically, facial trauma in Sydney, also known in medical terms as maxillofacial trauma, is any damage to the face caused by an injury. Obviously, your face is the most visible part of your body. So, anyone who suffers a significant facial trauma injury wants to do whatever is needed to reconstruct their face and restore their appearance back to as normal as medically possible.

Is any facial trauma injury treated more often than others?

Soft tissue injuries are often involved in facial trauma cases seen by Dr. Marucci. Victims of an car accident are susceptible to injuries from burns, lacerations that run deep, and severe bruising. Even though seatbelts and air bags protect passengers better than ever before, there is still the danger of fire, explosion, and shattering glass than can cause varying degrees of facial trauma.

What other types of facial injuries could require reconstructive surgery?

Sports-related accidents can cause deep cuts around your face or even broken bones to the nose and jaw. Workplace hazards, no matter how much caution you practice, can and do occur. A child may crawl over to pet the family dog while he is eating, only to be unintentionally bitten in the face. Domestic violence victims, people who have been robbed and beaten, or someone who has suffered a gunshot wound to the face are all examples of the types of facial trauma that need a cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon like A/Prof Damian Marucci to evaluate.

Can Dr. Marucci make me look like my old self again?

If you are living with the aftermath of facial trauma, the first step to restoring your appearance is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Marucci. He will listen intently as you tell him what happened, how your injury has affected your physical and psychological well being, and what your ultimate goals are. Dr. Marucci will then do a complete examination of the affected area of your face. Then, he will explain his recommended course of treatment intended to minimize the damage that has been done. He will emphasise that, while treating you with the utmost care at his state-of-the-art facility, there are no guarantees that your appearance will be completely restored back to what it was before your traumatic experience. Rest assured, however, you will find no better treatment and care than what you will receive from A/Prof Damian Marucci.

To schedule a consultation, you can contact us online, or call Dr. Marucci’s friendly staff at 02 9588 6374.

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