Prominent Ear Correction Information

Prominent Ear Correction (Otoplasty) Information Sheet

You will soon be having a prominent ear correction (Otoplasty) by A/Prof Damian Marucci. The purpose of this surgery is to decrease the prominence of the ears by re-creating the underdeveloped fold in the ear and suturing the cartilage of the ear closer to the side of the head. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia – you will be completely asleep. The operation takes around 90 minutes and you can go home the same day.

Before the Surgery

  • You will need to stop all blood thinner medications before the surgery. Let A/Prof Marucci know which blood thinners you are on. You will be told when to stop these types of medicine and when you can recommence them after surgery
  • You will be told a few days before the surgery when to be at the hospital and when to stop eating and drinking

The Surgery Itself

  • You will be taken into the operating theatre and the anaesthetist will make you go to sleep by giving you medicine through a drip
  • A/Prof Marucci will then put local anaesthetic solution around the ears. Incisions are then made in the fold behind the ear. The cartilage of the ear is folded back and held in place with non-dissolving stitches (they stay in the wound forever). The ear is then sutured closer to the side of the head using non-dissolving sutures. The skin wound behind the ear is then closed with dissolving sutures. Dressings are placed on the wounds. A head bandage is then put on

After the surgery

  • You will go home on the day of the surgery. Take it easy when you get home. Leave the dressings alone. Keep the bandage on and keep the bandage dry (you can shower from the neck down)
  • Sleep on an extra pillow or two
  • The local anaesthetic will last for a few hours. You will be given painkillers to go home with
  • If there is any bleeding from the wound, put firm pressure on the bleeding area for at least 10 minutes with clean tissues. This should stop 99% of all bleeding. Look at the clock and make sure it is a full 10 minutes. If the bleeding hasn’t stopped after 20 – 30 minutes of pressure, let the rooms or A/Prof Marucci know
  • If there is spreading redness / increasing pain / signs of infection, please let the rooms or A/Prof Marucci know
  • You will see A/Prof Marucci a week after the surgery. He will remove the bandage and inspect the wounds. After that, you can shower NORMALLY over the ears, using soap /shampoo / everything you would normally shower with. The wounds can get wet. After your shower, pat the wounds dry
  • You need to wear a tennis headband that goes on over the ears day at night for a week after the head bandage comes off, and then just wear it at night for another 2 or 3 weeks

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