A/Prof Damian Marucci cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon

Restore Your Look With Facial Trauma Surgery in Sydney

Accidents can happen at any moment in any situation. You find yourself banged up and bruised and your face has certainly seen better days. But the disfigurement doesn’t have to last. Thanks to the skilled hands of A/Prof Damian Marucci, your facial trauma surgery in Sydney can be just a step towards your future.

What does facial trauma surgery address?

Facial trauma can occur for any number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons for surgery involve motor vehicle accidents, work-related incidents, sports, or interpersonal violence. These occurrences can cause injury to the cheekbones, eye sockets, and jawbones. While the injuries often cause cosmetic deformity, the broken and damaged bones can also lead to functional problems that affect the person’s ability to chew or speak and may impair their vision.

Am I a good candidate for facial trauma surgery?

If you have experienced trauma to the facial structure it is recommended that you undergo restorative surgery. This will restore the aesthetic and function that occurred before the incident. During your consultation, Dr. Marucci will assess the current condition of the facial structure and determine the extent of surgery required to repair the damage done to the facial bones.

What should I expect during my facial trauma surgery?

Surgery will vary based on the individual needs of each patient. Some swelling bruising should be anticipated, particularly in such delicate areas. Dr. Marucci will make small incisions in discrete locations to minimize the appearance of scarring. During the procedure, Dr. Marucci will restore the damaged structure of the face, including the delicate orbital socket, the nose, the jaw, and the cheek. Rigid fixation methods may be applied to allow the bones to heal properly. Soft tissue damage can also be repaired, including dermal lacerations, oral lacerations, and injuries to nerves and glands.

What is the recovery process like?

Some swelling and bruising is expected following the procedure but it should dissipate within two weeks. If any stitches are used, Dr. Marucci will schedule a follow-up visit for removal. Full healing typically occurs after two months, although some patients may require additional surgery to properly restore the aesthetic and function of the damaged areas. Patients may typically return to work after 1-2 weeks, although this varies based on your career and the extent of the procedure.

For some patients, eating and oral care may be difficult during the recovery process. Rest is important during the recovery process and patients should elevate their head during sleep. Patients will be provided with specific care instructions as related to their surgery.

Why should I trust A/Prof Damian Marucci for my procedure?

Dr. Marucci is a skilled facial plastic surgeon that has successfully performed numerous operations for many years. He is well-recognised by various organisations for his work in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, as well as his various academic papers. He has performed mild and complex surgeries at St. George Hospital, the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the best private hospitals in Sydney including St George Private and St Vincent’s Private.

If you are in need of facial trauma surgery, look no further than A/Prof Damian Marucci and his team of skilled staff. When you schedule your consultation, Dr. Marucci will be able to assess the extent of the trauma and evaluate the process to restore your appearance. Contact his office today by contacting online or calling 02 9588 6374.

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