A/Prof Damian Marucci cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon

The Benefits of a Breast Reduction Procedure in Sydney with A/Prof Damian Marucci

The Benefits of a Breast Reduction Procedure in Sydney

Social culture places a lot of emphasis on breasts, especially large ones. Breasts play integral roles in fashion, marketing, entertainment and more. What many people don’t understand about large breasts is that they are not always a blessing for those who have them. In fact, breasts can be too large and result in a diverse range of issues for a woman. Luckily, the technology and procedures to reduce the size of breasts, and thus relieve these ailments, does exist. If you’ve been considering a breast reduction, for whatever reason, you can benefit in more ways than you probably think. Read below to learn more about how a breast reduction performed by A/Prof Damian Marucci might be able to help you in both mind and body.

Better Health

One of the most prominent reasons for a woman to get a breast reduction is to better her personal health. Large breasts can cause or contribute to a number of health-related issues that can make life more difficult for a woman. Many women with overly large breasts experience back and neck pain because their bodies are too small to properly support the additional weight. That same additional weight can also contribute to difficulty breathing for some women. Sleeping, too, can be an uncomfortable and difficult experience for a woman if her breasts are too large. If you are experiencing one or more of these issues, it may be related to the size of your bust and may be resolved with a breast reduction procedure.

Improved Quality of Life

Another physical ailment women with large breasts may suffer from is limited or slow movement. As mentioned above, large breasts can add a significant amount of weight to a woman’s body, and thus make it more difficult to perform certain movements or actions. Many women, prior to a breast reduction procedure, complain that they have difficulty, or simply cannot, participate in exercise or other athletic activities. A breast reduction procedure can however, remove extra breast weight, and offer women an extended range of motion, more agility, easier movement, and even better balance.

Psychological Benefits

Another important, and sometimes overlooked, aspect of the benefits of a breast reduction procedure are the mental benefits. Unless you’ve walked in the shoes of a woman with overly large breasts, it can be hard to imagine some of the mental anguish they experience. In the beginning of this post the social importance placed on large breasts was mentioned. Societally, large breasts receive more attention than their small peers, and this can have a detrimental psychological effect on a woman, making her feel like an object rather than a person. This can cause anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and more. While a breast reduction procedure is a literal removal of weight from a woman’s body, it is also a lifting of weight in the metaphorical sense as well. In many instances, women in Australia and around the globe have reported heightened self-esteem and an overall better quality of mental health after their breast reduction procedures.

The emphasis placed on large breasts in society is no secret, and as a result, it’s easy to forget that too much of a good thing can be bad. Being comfortable, healthy, and happy should always outweigh what society says is popular or good looking especially if it results in any of the problems outlined in this article. If you suffer from any of the symptoms and ailments described above, a breast reduction surgery may be the key to a vast improvement of your quality of life. Please feel free to contact A/Prof Damian Marucci today for a consultation or view his before and after photo gallery.

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