A/Prof Damian Marucci cosmetic plastic reconstructive surgeon

What to expect at your plastic surgery consultation appointment

Sydney Kogarah Miranda plastic surgeon

When you’re considering having any type of plastic surgery, then you’ll want to schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. Many people aren’t quite sure what to expect at this appointment. While you’ve certainly had appointments with doctors in the past, a plastic surgery consultation is a little bit different.

What happens during a plastic surgery consultation? How should you prepare? Is there anything that you should bring to the appointment?

Get to know your potential surgeon

During a plastic surgery consultation, you have two goals. One is to gather information about the procedure that you’re considering. The other is to get to know the surgeon that you’re considering. If you do choose this person to be your surgeon, then you’ll be putting your life into their hands. It’s essential that you trust them completely.

During the appointment, notice how the surgeon interacts with you. Do they truly listen to you and seem to care about you? Although surgery certainly requires technical skills, it’s ultimately a caring profession. If a surgeon brushes past your questions and seems to be simply ticking off a form, rather than truly paying attention to you, then you might want to choose a different surgeon. At the same time, find out whether the surgeon is fully qualified in plastic surgery. Surprisingly, any doctor in NSW can call themselves a “cosmetic surgeon” whether they are surgically trained or no, so it’s important to check on the qualifications of your doctor.

Be ready to discuss your goals

Whatever procedure it is that you’re considering, you’re thinking about it because you have certain goals for your appearance. Before your appointment, spend some time getting clear about what it is that you want. Be as specific as possible. It’s best if you can bring some photographs that show the outcome you’re hoping for. For example, if you’re considering rhinoplasty, search for photographs online that show people whose noses you like, and be ready to show those to your surgeon and discuss what you like about them. You can also ask to see before-and-after photos of patients in the practice, to get a sense of the outcomes that this surgeon generally creates.

During the consultation, your surgeon should ask detailed questions about your goals for your appearance. This helps them to recommend particular procedures, and to customise a surgical plan for you. It also allows your surgeon to ensure that you have realistic ideas about what plastic surgery can and can’t accomplish. If your surgeon doesn’t ask many questions about you, that’s another red flag.

Be honest about your medical history

It’s also essential that your surgeon has accurate knowledge about your past medical and surgical history. If you have any medical conditions or take any medications, make sure that you provide accurate information about these. Bring a list of medications and doses so that your surgeon knows exactly what you take and how much. This information can have a significant impact on the decisions made about your surgery.

You will also get a physical exam during your consultation. This may be focused on the area where you may be having surgery (for example, the face if you’re considering rhinoplasty), but won’t necessarily be limited to that area. This is because your surgeon needs to know about your general health in order to determine what procedures would be safe for you.

Look for an open discussion

Your plastic surgery consultation should feel like an open discussion with a professional, not like a high-pressure sales pitch. This means that you should be told about the positives as well as the negatives of any procedure that you may be considering. If you’re not told about any risks, then you’re not hearing the full truth – any surgery does carry some risks, and you should be fully informed about these ahead of time. If it feels like your surgeon is trying to talk you into having surgery, this is definitely a red flag.

To get the most out of your consultation appointment, it’s best if you’ve done some research on your own ahead of time. Learn the basics of the procedure that you’re considering, and write down any questions that you may have. To do your research, you can use resources like this blog, or other reputable sources like the Australian Academy of Plastic Surgeons. Bring your list of questions to your consultation appointment. Your surgeon should take the time to thoroughly explain everything to you. If they rush you through and don’t want to answer all of your questions, then you might want to look for another surgeon.

Sydney Kogarah Miranda plastic surgeon

If you’re considering having any type of plastic surgery, then we invite you to come in for a consultation with A/Prof Marucci. As an Associate Professor of plastic surgery at the University of Sydney, A/Prof. Marucci is up to date on the latest research, and is very good at explaining medical information in a way that’s easy to understand. To schedule a consultation appointment at any of our three office locations, please contact our front desk.

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